Thursday, October 12, 2006 - New Website!

For anyone who has been paying any attention to what's up with me (Is there anyone?) Since moving from Wenatchee to Seattle, I've not had my main website up. In Wenatchee I was hosting my website on one of my own computers, on a DSL connection.

Since moving was expensive, we haven't hooked up any kind of broad band connection yet, so there's been no real web presence, except for my free page on GooglePages.

Well as of today, 12 October, 2006, that has finally changed. I decided to get serious and actually pay to host a real website. So now I don't have to leave computers running just to have a website anymore! Hopefully everything stays working now!

Anyway, the website URL is in the title of this post. I was actually amazed, I started typing in some variations of that title, and almost all of the ones I could think of WERE available. I would have thought someone would have scooped up a cool name like this, especially in Seattle :)

Ok, at the moment there is nothing there, yet. I'll get that taken care of as soon as I can, probably in the next week or so. I probably won't be putting everything up that was on the old website, but I might put up some of the recent jobs, etc.

Questions or comments?
Drop me a line! Use the contact links that are here, somewhere...