Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Being More Like A Child

I read yesterday in an email where we should be more like a little child, and it got me thinking about how weddings sometimes get to be kind of stressful. If you're into reading articles about how to improve yourself, I'd recommend reading the one I linked, by Jim Rohn. I'd even say its worth your time to actually get subscribed to his newsletter. If you'd like to read the article, click the line above "Being More Like A Child".

Anyway, think about little kids, how they can get all excited about something. The little details don't get in the way, right? You mention a pony, or a swimming pool, and they're fired up! Who cares if you live in an apartment, they will find a way to get that pony under the bed!

So, what's this got to do with wedding planning and a hiring a photographer?

I see this happen a lot lately. Weddings are very detail demanding events. The Bride wants everything to be just perfect. The Groom, well, he's just hoping it will be over soon! The Photographer is doing his best to make everyone look their best in the pictures, because who wants to show off pictures that make them look really stressed out?

Here's my idea. First, give yourself extra time for the pictures. I've said it before, I'll probably say it a lot more in this blog space. Lack of time will cause you a lot of stress on your wedding day. Just before you start taking pictures, maybe play this little movie in your head. Brides, picture yourself as the Princess, just like you did when you were a little girl. Its your wedding day, the Prince has just rode up on that big white horse. Nothing else matters. This is your fairy tale, and its coming true. Keep playing that movie in your head while we are taking pictures, and that twinkle shows!

Grooms... well, just try to play along, ok? Its her day :) Just try not to step on the dress, and we'll be fine. Practice being excited. Stand just a little bit taller, be proud to be here, too! She thinks you're a Prince! Even if she might suspect otherwise.

Oh, and another hint for grooms. Your Bride has spent a lot of time and energy getting ready for this day. As a photographer, I sometimes follow the bride while she's getting ready. Some of it doesn't look like a lot of fun. But she is doing this all for you. Even if you're not the kind of person to get excited about things... Dude! Practice saying things like "WOW"! in the mirror the last week before the wedding. You might even ask for help. It might save your life :) And while you're at it, practice smiling, and not looking like you're in pain!

Weddings are a Celebration. Lets put some fun back in them, ok?
Spread the word!
Thanks for reading!

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