Thursday, March 23, 2006

Recovering from My Own Wedding... A Week Later!

For this week, I'm going to write from the point of view of a Groom. You know the deal, the lost, kind of scared guy at a wedding? Oh yeah, that was me. Wow. Its been a week already, and I'm just now starting to recover!

For anyone who is keeping score, I got married on Friday, 17 March, 2006, which is also St. Patrick's Day. So, hopefully, that will be easy to remember!

Julie, my ever patient and long suffering Bride, has been Blogging her experiences during the planning of the wedding. Check it out here: . Green Bliss. Yeah, that pretty much covers the experience! We had green beer and pizza at the reception. People came from far, far away. I actually held a small poll during the reception, a show of hands to see who came just for the beer and pizza, and from the response, I'd recommend you all try something like that.

I'd also like to comment a little bit, which is about all I'm qualified to really comment on a wedding, when it really comes right down to it, being the groom, you know... Things were going really well, from a planning point of view. At least, we thought they were, right? The problem with planning your own wedding, is its usually the first time you've ever done it, and for many people, the first big project of any sort they've ever planned.

Now, in our own situation, we compounded our confusion because, as a person who photographs other peoples weddings, I came to the planning thinking I knew what was going on. I might actually know a thing or two, and that's not really even the issue. The problem, I think, is I know what a well planned wedding looks like, through the lens. I also have seen weddings that I felt were maybe not so well planned. But it looks very different from the inside. It would be sort of like being on the outside of a building, and trying to tell people on the inside that the house is on fire or something. Now mind you, our wedding really did go well. I'm really happy that everyone came, that we had lots of help, and it seems people had a good time. What am I trying to say? Oh, did I mention I'm still recovering from the wedding? :) I also am almost finished with my spring cold, so I'm not always sure if the the symptoms are Wedding or Fever related!

Anyway, a few days before the wedding, from my point of view, the level of chaos went way up. Not exactly a bad thing, but it was kind of scary. There were Aunts from out of town, my Mom from Canada, my step mom and step sister who live here in town, and the usual related well wishers and helpers all descended on our little house. And me, like a retard, I decide to wash my van, inside and out, a few days before the wedding, hoping to help keep that white dress clean. It was really nice and warm that week, but of course, its still March, so I get a spring cold. I had a pocket full of cough drops for the wedding ceremony, but thankfully I didn't really lose my voice until a couple of days later, when it didn't matter so much. I did spend the next week with a fever, but I think I'll survive :)

My word to the Brides out there... be gentle, we mean well! We really do! My word to the Grooms out there, no matter what you think, anything you do to help at this point, while it may seem heroic to you, you're just way out of your league here! Stick to manual labor, and defer to any aunt or mother in range when it comes to any judgment calls.

Of course, its all worth it, right? It just seems sometimes like, well, its a lot of work, for a whole year sometimes, and its over in a few hours. Just hope someone got some good video or photos!

Oh, speaking of which, want to see?
Special thanks to Braden who took our engagement photos, and Linda who shot the pics of Julie's bridal shower, and also our formal pics a the wedding and reception. I'll also be posting any shots that other people email us, and also some shots from the video when I get a chance to edit it. Hopefully soon!

I will try to post more about the wedding later, before I forget. People have told me there is just so much that happens, you can't really absorb it all. We had a small wedding, really, and it still felt like being in the eye of a storm.

Thanks to everyone who helped. Wow. I guess that means I'm Married Now! :) Yipee!